Notes from Boomerang Creek

Notes from Boomerang Creek

by Cathy Salter

Creative Nonfiction

About the Book

In Notes From Boomerang Creek, the author showcases the world situation and nature in a mindful way, observing both with both keen intent on putting her poetic pen to the page, just as an artist brushes pigment on canvas. Cathy makes daily scenes and ordinary people come to life through her evocative prose In journeys both local and distant, her sensitive observations and keen imagination take the reader into worlds they want to know better–or find in their own travels.

Written with style and lyrical power, these essays show the positive side of life left too often left behind by us all. When looking back on travel adventures and reflecting on the human condition, it is natural to first remember the negative things when recounting our views, but it is the beauty of life and the hope for a better world that bring us so much joy. Cathy Salter has succeeded in finding joy in everyday life as will as extraordinary happenings, and she has painted each essay with uncommon vision for the reader’s pleasure.

“Cathy Salter has an artist’s eye, a poet’s ear, and a lover’s heart. Her essays invite the reader to partake of a wondrous life filled with the joys of country walks, great books, travel to distant locales, and good food shared with dear friends. Pour yourself a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and settle in by the fire: You won’t find a more rewarding place to spend time than Boomerang Creek.”

Matthew Goodman, bestselling author of Eighty Days: Nellie Bly and Elizabeth Bisland’s History-Making Race Around the World

About the Author

Cathy Salter lives in many worlds, as all authors must. When she is not traveling, she commutes 165 steps from her home to her studio, an inviting and warm library, where she writes a column for two local newspapers.
Alternately, she spends time in her compact but well-stocked kitchen and is an active volunteer in the vibrant literary arts in Columbia, Missouri. She and her husband live in Ashland, Missouri.